Friday, 23 August 2013

"Council of Light 2013 for Universal Peace and Unity" Day Program

"Council of Light 2013 for Universal Peace and Unity" Day Program August 23, 2013 at 11:01pm Saturday August 24th 9-10 am Doors Open 10:00 am Opening of the Event by Felipe Martinez from Rahma Mission Toronto Loving Project 10:15 am First Delegate message Mr. Stephen Izreal from Alternative Thinking 10:30 am Second Delegate message Mr. Andrew Owens from Social Creator 10:45 am Third Delegate message Nan Maria Ramirez from Waxaqib Q'ojoom Toronto Mayan Elders Council 11:00 am Fourth Delegate message 11:15 am Fifth Delegate message Ms. Yulia Brodskaya from The Star of Transformation 11:30 am Sixth Delegate message Mr. Carlos Moreno from Sant Mat Know thy self as soul 11:45 am stage set up 12:00pm Lunch and Aztec Dance 1:00 pm Seventh Delegate message Mr. Fatlin Melani from World Brotherhood Union 1:15 pm Eighth Delegate message 1:30 pm Ninth Delegate message Luis Fernando Mostajo from Rahma Mission Bolivia (read by Tania Borja 1:45 pm Tenth Delegate message 2:00 pm Eleventh Delegate message Roberto Sablom from Yoga Vedanta Spiritual Society 2:15 pm Twelve Delegate message Gerardo Quiroz from Go Astro Cuantico Org. 2:30 pm Stage set up 2:45 pm Musical entertainment by Hurapungo Ecuatorian Dance 3:45 pm Hildergard Gmeiner from Universal Great Brotherhood 4:00 pm Asalia Arellano from Tonantzin Toronto 4:15 pm Mr. Imran from Medhi Foundation International 4:30 pm Paul Franklin Acuna from Order of Melquisidet 4:45 pm Participation from the public 5:30 pm Closing of event by Tani Savia and Martha Navarro from Rahma Mission Toronto Loving Project

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Picnic fund riser at High Park tomorrow!! please join us!

Namaste Dear Friends and supporters: Trust you are doing great and ready to enjoy the gorgeous weekend in Toronto and surroundings. This is a friendly reminder about tomorrow's picnic fund riser at High Park. We'll be there by 11am to about 4pm with nice food, music, games, and lots of fun. We are still in great need of your support for our upcoming event Council of Light next Saturday, so please come down to the park tomorrow and have fun with us while supporting an important cause. Children and pets welcome! Suggested donation for food $10 At the main entrance of High Park by the children playground, at the picnic area. See you there! In case you don't know how to get to High Park, here's a link to the map. Forecast predicts beautiful weather today and tomorrow, so take advantage of nature's sweetness and share your fun self with us! See you!!!
View Larger Map

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Picnic fund Riser pro-Council of Light at High Park, Sunday August 18th from 11am to 4pm

Namaste! Dear Friends: We hope your week is going all right and smoothly. The weekend is almost here and we feel very excited that our major event the Council of Light is quickly approaching. Can you believe it?! it's next Saturday!!! time flies. On that note, the making of this event has many different facets that need to be minded and executed for it to become a beautiful experience that changes people's lives in wonderful ways; that's why we want to share with everybody the opportunity to be an active participant of this event by joining us to a Fund riser picnic this Sunday August 18th from 11am at High Park. We still need to rise more funds for all the expenses that are originated by organizing this event. We have done quite well so far and we thank you so much for your ongoing support, however we still need a nice big push at the funds treasure box to be able to go smoothly with the financial part. We are planning for this sunday some nice and delicious food, nice drinks donated by some of the members, some music, may be.... salsita!!!! pa'bailar!, some board games and will be having also some Oracle cards for those who feel called to get some divine guidance and some instruments to make our own Jamming! Bring your own as well!! Kids are welcome!!! suggested donation $10 Location: High Park main entrance. From the entrance at Bloor and High Park ave., walk towards the little food court that is a few steps from there, then to the right, we'll be at the pin nic tables area! right of playground. Para mas informes llamar Tani Savia 416)230-0007 Tania Borja 416) 532-9318 or 647)522-6612 Hope to see you there!! pd. There are also other ways to help for the Council of Light . Please call us if you want to give us a hand! Namaste! Rahma Mission Toronto

Saturday, 10 August 2013



August 10, 2013 at 10:30am

For our friends and other interested people who want to know what is happening in Rahma Mission's agenda this month and the following. Please be invited. For more information send us an email at or  a facebook message or contact the person in charge of each event. Thanks and hope you all join us.


AUGUST 24th  9am to 6pm
Council of Light for Universal Peace and Unity 2013
25 Cecil St. Toronto, On.
Contact person: Tany Savia 416-230-0007

AUGUST 25th 11am to 3pm
Cosmic Ceremony hosted by the Great Universal Brotherhood
12 Macklem Ave. Toronto, On.
Contact Person: Paul Acuna

AUGUST 27th 6to 9pm
Mayan Ceremony  in preparationfor Waxaq’ib B’atz Ceremony
10 Randoplh Ave. Toronto. On.
Contact Person: Tania Borja 647-522-6612

AUGUST 28-29th
Waxaq’ib B’azt Ceremony (Mayan New Year)
Tyendinaga, Mohawk Territory, Bay on Quinte
Accomodation &Transportation costs to be determined
Contact Person: Maria Ramirez
                               Tania Borja 647-522-6612

Seminar and Retreat with Luis Fernando Mostajo
Gatineau, Quebec Provintial Park
Accomodation &Transportation costs to be determined
Contact Person: Felipe Martinez 647-773-1958
                              Tania Borja 647-522-6612

Luis Fernando Mostajo Conference in Montreal
Montreal, Quebec
To be conffirmed
Contact Person: J. Andres

Luis Fernando Conference in Toronto
1696 Queen St. W. Conspiracy Culture
Suggested donation $10
Contact Person: Tania Borja 647-522-6612


Spreading the word about Rahma Mission Toronto

These couple of months have proven to be quite busy for the members of Rahma Mission Toronto Loving Project, there are so many interesting events and activities about to unfold within our community and everybody is taking hands in the matter by organizing, planning, coordinating and going around the city inviting all of you to join us. Here (from left to right) is Sheila Martinez, Tany Savia and Felipe Martinez at Voces Latinas Community Radio Station, hosted by our dearest Silvia Mendez in her very popular program "De regreso a casa". Keep posted for more updates and please don't miss the events that are coming up! most of them are free of charge or just a small donation to cover administrative and publicity costs.

With love,
The bothers and sister of Rahma Mission Toronto.