Friday, 7 June 2013


Rahma Mission Loving Project Toronto's objective is to reunite science, art, and religion, so as to reeducate the intellect and nourish the spirit by uniting humanitarian philosophical, scientific, artistic, esoteric, religious and iniciatic organizations. Personal development and social integration so we can be an example and reference of what we desire for our world.

We strive to extend our vision and accord with life as well as our understanding of our fellow human beings. Establishing higher conscious and more evolved relationships, and creating a more synergistic relationship with our environment and the universe, helping us to understand the real meaning of life in an universal context. The institution is absolutely apolitical. It does not belong to any secret or particular sect, nor does it belong to any religion nor is the institution a religious sect. The institution is simply a re-education movement.

The goals may be summarized as follows:

To unite all persons, regardless of creed, nationality, sex, or socio-economic class, who struggle for the enlightenment of the spirit and who agree with establishing peace in the heart of all men in order to realize the unity of a great universal family.

May peace, love and unity reign on the Planet Earth and all the Universe!

The Borthers and Sisters of Rahma Mission Loving Project Toronto.

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